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Monitoring, Securing, Optimizing 3rd party scripts

Keeping track of 3rd party scripts, taking away obscurity

How c/side makes the difference

You'll know what gets delivered to your user's browser 100% of the time, and we'll make the scripts up to 30% faster.

3rd party scripts are a major risk

3rd party scripts have unlimited reign in the browser of your users. When it goes wrong, it goes really wrong.

Negative press, potential lawsuits, and damage claims following a security incident.

You don't know what the user gets in their browser


of most commonly used scripts change at least weekly


3rd-party scripts on
the average website

Know the dangers of
hijacked scripts

Can rewrite a page
Crypto wallet IDs can simply be changed
'Sign up' can redirect to a different site
Listen in on keystrokes

It's Time to Take Action

PCI DSS 4.0 (specifically 6.4.3 and 11.6.1) mandates entities handling card data to implement tamper-detection mechanisms by March 31st, 2025. This aims to mitigate Magecart attacks by alerting on unauthorized changes to HTTP headers and payment content.

The value we add

How we're different

  • Real time flow-through monitoring
  • No sampling, we cover 100%
  • Caching scripts, making them faster
  • Detection mechanisms that actually work
  • Using AI to make findings easily understandable
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Detect 0-day attacks

C/side is the only fully autonomous detection tool for assessing 3rd party scripts. We do not rely purely on threat feed intel or easy to circumvent detections. Using historical context and AI to review the payload and behaviour of scripts.


1 million scripts processed in last 24h

C/side is crawling many sites to get ahead of new attacks. All scripts get processed by us and we improve our detection methods. We monitor over 70 attributes and on top using various AI detection mechanisms to review the scripts. Making our solution the most advanced detection mechanism in the space to date.

Webflow icon
Woocommerce icon
Shopify icon
Magento icon

Works with your favorite stack

Use c/side on your ecommerce store. Whether you use Shopify, Magento, Woocommerce or built a Next.js or virtually any front-end. C/side is available to you.

Latest blog posts

The title of this article on a blue background with the site on the malicious domain shining through


More than 490k websites targeted in web supply chain attack

The domain is currently being used in a web supply chain attack. It used to host a service for adding JavaScript polyfills to websites, but is now inserting malicious code in scripts served to end-users.

The text Why You Can Trust with the c/side logo, on a blue background with two people shaking hands behind that


Why you can trust c/side

Script security is our bread and butter. For lots of vendors, serving the script is just a part of their product. We put every care and attention to detail in how we proxy, store and process scripts. We work to cover the blind spots that others might have missed.

The BrowseAloud logo with the text "a case study in cryptojacking" on a blue background with a subtle hive pattern behind, referring to CoinHive.


The BrowseAloud Supply-Chain Attack: A Case Study in Cryptojacking

In February 2018, over 4,000 websites, including high-profile government bodies like the UK's Information Commissionerโ€™s Office (ICO), fell victim to the BrowseAloud attack . This was not just another cybersecurity breach; it was a potent reminder of the hidden dangers of third-party scripts in our increasingly interconnected digital ecosystems. notionvc: ...

Get Started Today

Start monitoring and securing 3rd party scripts
on your websites today.