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Why do developers obfuscate JavaScript?

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

Updated September 27th, 2024
Carlo D'Agnolo's profile picture

Carlo D'Agnolo

Marketing & Growth

As a client-side security company protecting JavaScript, we see a lot of obfuscated scripts. When you use our tool, you can actually see the deobfuscated version of the scripts to see what it is doing.

Deobfuscation has been around for a while, but why is code obfuscated in the first place?

JavaScript obfuscation came around to protect the source code of web applications from being easily understood, copied, or exploited by unauthorized users. Obfuscation as a concept predates JavaScript and even the widespread use of the internet. Developers of years past used this already to protect their code.

So the answer to the question “Why do developers obfuscate JavaScript?” is the same as to “Why is any code obfuscated?”: To safeguard the intellectual property of the code.

Why deobfuscation came to be

Ironically, deobfuscation - a practice that seems to undermine the protective efforts of obfuscation - actually originated in the security industry.

Initially, it was developed as a tool to protect users by understanding and analyzing potentially harmful code. Security professionals needed a way to see through the layers of obfuscation often used by malicious actors to hide malware or other dangerous scripts. By deobfuscating code, they could uncover the true intentions behind these scripts, protect users, and develop more effective defenses.

This is also exactly why we do it.

c/side also deobfuscates the code of third-party scripts and you can see that in the dashboard. Our detection engine carefully analyze these scripts to understand their true nature, helping to detect and prevent malicious activities before they can harm users.

Moreover, deobfuscating third-party scripts allows us to provide transparency. We empower our users to understand the impact these scripts could have on their customers’ data and overall site security. You can see exactly what these scripts are doing, and if you want to keep them on your site.

But every coin has two sides.

While deobfuscation was created to safeguard users and ensure the integrity of software, it didn’t take long for attackers to adopt these tools as well. Just as security experts use deobfuscation to analyze and neutralize threats, attackers use it to reverse-engineer protected code, identify vulnerabilities, and exploit them for malicious purposes.

Using deobfuscation for good, we can turn the tide.

The legality of deobfuscation

So that bears the question: if obfuscation is done primarily to protect against intellectual property theft, is deobfuscation illegal?

The short answer is: No, deobfuscation is not illegal.


It can be illegal in certain scenarios, particularly if it's done with the intent to replicate the product or disclose something considered a trade secret.

Additionally, sharing information that enables or encourages others to infringe on intellectual property rights could itself be considered infringement if that’s the purpose behind the distribution.

Proving whether it is or not, that’s for a judge and a jury of experts to decide.

At c/side, the purpose of deobfuscating third-party scripts is to enhance security, protect user data, and provide transparency, not to copy or exploit someone else’s intellectual property. This aligns with ethical practices and is a legitimate use of deobfuscation in the security industry.

Rest assured, by using c/side and checking the deobfuscated scripts in our dashboard, you are doing so legally. Provided, you use it for legal purposes only, as our terms and conditions compel you to do.

Get started for free in minutes, and secure your site against malicious third-party scripts.

Carlo D'Agnolo's profile picture

More About Carlo

I'm in charge of marketing & growth at c/side, educating companies and users on the web about the dangers of third-party scripts and the broader client-side security risks.